Ceahlău Massif

Ceahlău Massif

Masivul Ceahlău | Csalhó-hegység


The Ceahlău Massif is one of the most famous mountains of Romania. It is part of the Bistriţa Mountains range of the Eastern Carpathians, in the Moldavia region. It is bounded to the east by the Bistriţa River and Lake Bicaz, to the south by the Bicaz River. From the south, the main access point is the village of Izvorul Muntelui, located 12 km north from the town of Bicaz. To the north, Mount Ceahlău is also accessible from Durău. Mount Ceahlău is a popular hiking destination in Romania, there are also ski slopes located at Durău.
Attention! There is a little calibration mistake on the map - e.g. 200 m relative to google maps.


1:50 000

Ceahlău Massif
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